Dominique Simonnet contributed to several public initiatives to get together writers, scientist and elected officials. In the 1990’s, He was président of the Association of scientific journalists.
He was a member of the Board of the Paris Museum « La Cité des sciences ». He was also one of the experts at the Scientific Council of the Chauvet Prehistoric Cave.
He created the first magazine of scientific and social interest L’Express Aujourd’hui. And he also contributed to the création of the new TV Channel La Cinquième.
He regularly teaches at French schools of journalism.
Dominique Simonnet is the publisher of the serie La Plus Belle Histoire de… (Seuil) and several books including Letters to My Mother by Ingrid Betancourt (2008).
His last book: L’heure de pointe, is published by Actes Sud.
In the 1990’s, Dominique Simonnet created and anchored the weekly program Drôle de planète on the national network France 2 (Roberval Award), and the program Tranches de sciences for
France 3. He is the author of the radio serie Aventures sans gravité (France Culture) that won the award of the French speaking radios (prix Paul Gilson). He is also the author of Histoire de la conquête spatiale (Radio France).